This is called varied terms in the Bible like, the baptism with the Holy Spirit, being filled with the Spirit and receiving power from on High. If you ask Jesus to fill you with His Spirit, He will do it. Ask Him now. And if you have been filled before, but need a fresh infilling, ask Him to fill you again.You will never really know someone you do not spend time with. This is just a law or principle of life. His Secret Obsession If you really want to know someone, spend time with them. Nothing is as precious as time. If you spend time daily with a person, you will discover that person's likes, dislikes, desires, needs and purpose. The depth of your relationship with that person will be determined by the amount of time and communion you have with them. Likewise, nothing can replace time alone with God.
If you want to know Him and have an intimate walk with Him, make it a point to spend time with Him daily.Obedience is the key to experiencing God's perfect will for your life. Obedience is the master key to all of the blessings, favor, protection and anointing of Almighty God. When we obey God continually, we set ourselves into position to live and enjoy a happy, fruitful and truly blessed life. Life with God is not boring to the obedient soul. If your christian experience is boring, then you need to check and see if there is some area of your life in disobedience to God. You cannot be in the perfect will of God and not be full of joy and peace, rest and sweet contentment. That is simply not possible. To the obedient soul, even persecution and trails, cannot hamper the joy of the Lord.